Beyond the Pilgrim Story gives detailed information about specific aspects of the Pilgrim story. This is where you learn about the individuals who arrived in the Mayflower in 1620 and their immediate descendents through the documents of the period. Here you find wills, inventories, citations from court records and more.
Here you can also read what has been said about the Pilgrims and their place in American history down through the centuries. You can find answers to questions such as “Why are the dates so confusing?” or “Did Priscilla marry Myles or John?”
Finally, there are a variety of essays on related topics, which we hope will pique your interest to learn more about Plymouth Colony and its place in history.
If you want to learn the overall story of the Pilgrims, and the Native Americans with whom they interacted, visit the PILGRIM STORY, You will find artifacts combined with historical information to illuminate the Pilgrim and Native American story to 1692, when Plymouth Colony as an independent entity came to an end.