Francis Billington
As a young teenager, Francis Billington accompanied his mother Eleanor, his father John and his older brother (also) John to Plymouth on the Mayflower.
While anchored off Cape Cod, Francis shot off squibs in the cabin of the Mayflower and almost set the ship on fire. Another story from the 17th century records relates how Francis climbed a tall tree and saw a great sea. After a closer look, it turned out to be a large pond (called Billington Sea today).
Francis Billington married Christian Penn Eaton, widow of Mayflower passenger Francis Eaton. They had 9 children. The Billington children were at one point taken away from the Billingtons and sent to live with other families (see the 17th century records for details).
Francis Billington died in 1684 in Middleboro, Massachusetts
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