Become a member of the Pilgrim Society and Pilgrim Hall Museum!
Members are the inspiration and moving force for all we do at Pilgrim Hall Museum! Whether in-person or remotely, we keep you up-to-date on new approaches to early Plymouth histories, innovative programs, and thought-provoking exhibitions. Enjoy our member newsletter, free museum admission, member discounts, and the knowledge that you are supporting the work of preservation and education to which Pilgrim Hall Museum has been committed for two centuries.

Be part of our 200-year enterprise of preserving Plymouth’s unique history!
Join or Renew Online Today!

Membership in the Pilgrim Society and Pilgrim Hall Museum includes the following benefits:
- Free Admission – Members always visit free as welcome guests and supporters!
- Discounts – Receive 10% off on all purchases, including books on history and genealogy, commemoratives, materials for children, and gifts related to Pilgrim Hall’s splendid collections.
- Pilgrim Society News – Our annual publication offers in-depth stories on Pilgrim and Plymouth history, latest exhibitions, and member activities.
- Special Events & Programs – Whether virtual or on-site, members receive advance notice and discounts for events and programs, exhibit openings, and other activities.
- Student Membership - $15.00
All basic benefits for one person with student ID
- Senior Membership - $25.00
All basic benefits for one person age 62 and up
- Senior Family Membership - $35.00
All basic benefits for two people age 62 and up in the same household.
- Individual Membership - $35.00
All basic benefits for one person
- Family/Dual Membership - $50.00
All basic benefits for two people in the same household
FREE admission for accompanying children under 18
- Sustaining Membership - $150.00
All Family/Dual benefits
2 guest passes
- Patron Membership - $500.00
All Family/Dual benefits
4 guest passes
- Life Membership - $1,500.00
All Family/Dual benefits for Life
FREE admission annually for 2 guests
Name listed in Annual Report

Partner with one of the oldest and most important historical institutions in the country as a Business Member. Business Members support the preservation of Plymouth history and help sustain Pilgrim Hall Museum’s educational programs, while enjoying benefits that will enable you to reward employees and clients, and connect with community partners.

Click here to join at one of our two giving levels and your company will enjoy the many standard benefits of Business Membership.
- $150 - Business Friend
Name on web page
“Welcome” box in newsletter for new members
Recognition in Annual Report
Membership card for designated individual
Newsletter & invitations
- $500 - Business Roundtable
All Friend benefits as above PLUS:
Live link to business on web page
10 individual museum passes
Discount on museum rental for business function
Many thanks to our Business Members:
Business Roundtable
Tiny and Sons Auto Glass, Pembroke
Pioppi's Package Store, Plymouth
Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce, Plymouth
Celebrate Greater Plymouth, Plymouth
Business Friends
Cape Auto Body, Plymouth
Cartmell Funeral Home, Plymouth
Colonial Maintenance Contractors, Avon
J. James Auctioneer & Appraisers, Plymouth
The Pilgrim William White Society
Bramhall's Country Store
Renaissance Events Rentals