Mary Ring
Mary Ring was a member of the Leiden Separatist community. Her husband William had been aboard the Speedwell, sister ship to the Mayflower, intending to voyage across the Atlantic in 1620. William Ring was, however,among the passengers who could not fit aboard the Mayflower when the Speedwell was deemed unseaworthy. He returned to Leiden and died there sometime between 1620 and 1629. Mary Ring arrived in Plymouth in 1629 or 1630.
Mary Ring seems to have some education: she signed her will herself and her inventory contains books. She also seems to have been a woman of business, with money owed to her by William Bradford and Edward Winslow.
Mary Ring died in Plymouth in July 1631.
Mary and William Ring had 3 children, all of whom accompanied their mother to Plymouth and later married in the Colony : Elizabeth Ring who married Stephen Deane, Susanna Ring who married Thomas Clarke, and Andrew Ring who was a minor in 1631 but later married Deborah Hopkins.
Mary Ring wrote a will, and an inventory of her estate was taken at her death.
Click here for Mary Ring's will and the inventory of her estate.
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