Samuel Fuller
Mayflower passenger Samuel Fuller was born in England in 1580 and was part of the Separatist community in Leiden. He married first Alice Glascock, second Agnes Carpenter, and third Bridget Lee. Bridget Lee arrived in Plymouth on the Anne in 1623. Samuel and Bridget Lee Fuller had two children, Mercy (born in 1627) and Samuel (born in 1629). Samuel Fuller was the brother of Edward Fuller, another Mayflower passenger. Through his second wife Agnes Carpenter, he was related to William Bradford, William Wright and others.
Samuel Fuller was, by occupation, a surgeon. He also served as a deacon in the church. While in Salem helping during an illness, he consulted with Endicott about the organization and practices of the Plymouth church, a discussion that affected the founding of the Salem church. He went on a similar mission to Massachusetts Bay in 1630. He served as a Plymouth tax assessor in 1633.
Samuel Fuller had sufficient education to practice medicine. He wrote three polished letters to William Bradford. His inventory contains about 30 books, mostly Bibles and other religious volumes, but also his medical books, dictionaries, and other practical books.
Samuel Fuller died in 1633, one of at least 10 people in Plymouth Colony who died during a smallpox epidemic. Click here for Samuel Fuller's will and the inventory of his estate at the time of his death.
Pilgrim Hall Museum displays the "Fuller cradle." This cradle was made between 1680 and 1720. It descended through the Fuller Family, probably belonging to Samuel, son of Doctor Samuel Fuller of the Mayflower. It is constructed of maple and white pine and was probably made in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony. Click here for a view of the Fuller Cradle.
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